Do Mosquitoes really cause Malaria?

Felix Okoli

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Posted by on Wednesday April 15, 2015 at 8:52:24:

In the field of science, it is generally believed that mosquitoes cause Malaria but there has been many cases where a person would be bit by mosquitoes without becoming sick with Malaria.

Since I was once a science student, I do agree that mosquitoes cause malaria or at least were partly responsible for malaria but I also tend to believe that they are exceptions to this rule and that mosquitoes by themselves are not sufficient alone to cause Malaria after all, they've probably being existing for many centuries.

Sure, I agree that mosquitoes probably suck human blood and through this may transfer the plasmodium parasite that normally leads to malaria but being bit by such a mosquito is not a sufficient condition before a person can become infected by Malaria.

Ever since I discovered this truth, I've hardly been sick with Malaria since I've applied it to my life and have since being living a much healthier life. In fact, it's been about 5 to 6 years since I last had malaria.

Mosquitoes may actually be harmless and may just be dong nothing less than acupuncture to help relieve blood pressure on the body of human beings and so may not be solely responsible for causing malaria. What I do however believe that really causes malaria is man's weakened immune system.

Ancient man had more immunity than modern man and this is because he ate more natural foods such as fruits and vegetables which were mostly raw and uncooked than what we eat nowadays. We tend to eat more processed food and even our vegetables and meat are now packaged in containers. Most of the food that modern man now eat tend to come with a lower nutrient content than what ancient man ate.

Mosquitoes may not really be the main cause of malaria and yet we tend to focus too much attention on killing these small and weak flying insects rather than focusing on boosting our immune system.

Since I recognized this truth about 5 years ago, I've been focusing more of my attention on boosting my immune system by doing regular exercises, eating more fruits and also taking anti-malarial drugs on a monthly or quarterly basis and I've not had malaria again. This has saved me money I would have spent by visiting hospitals and also helped make me more productive as a person.

Why do i take anti-malarial drugs? Well, because they help to boost one's body immune system so that even if you get bit by a mosquito, your body's immune system may be able to fight it off so that it doesn't end up causing your malaria and down time.

Being sick with Malaria is not a good thing as it takes a toll on you and based on reports, many people die annually from this illness which could have been prevented in the first place. I take anti-malarial drugs because most of our foods nowadays don't come with the same nutrient value as they did thousands of years ago such that it now makes it seem as if mosquitoes are the sole cause of malaria when a weakened immune system is really a major cause.

So, ever since I became really sick with malaria many years ago that it almost seemed that it was killing me, I decided to make a new chapter in my life by focusing more on preventing is rather than waiting to cure it. So, take anti-malarial drugs when necessary, do some exercise frequently, eat fruits and vegetables as they will all help to make you malaria free person even if you were living in a country with the biggest number of malaria related cases.